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The Exit Internationalist

Exit Vision, Mission & Values


Our philosophy at Exit is that every adult of sound mind has the right to implement plans for the end of their life so that their death is reliable, peaceful and at a time of their choosing.

Exit believes that control over one’s life & death to be a fundamental human right.

This approach was famously called for some 30 years ago in 1991 by the former Dutch Supreme Court Judge, Huib Drion.

Our Philosophy

Huib Drion in The Hague, 2004


To inform members & support them in their end of life decision-making.

Exit Values

1.  Individual rights

Exit supports an adult of sound mind’s right to:

  • receive information about their end of life choices (especially during this time of pandemic)
  • act on this information in order achieve a peaceful death at a time of their choosing
  • accept or reject the involvement of the medical professional at the end-of-life, including palliative care
  • request & be granted assistance with suicide if necessary or desired.

Exit rejects religious-based arguments that a person’s life belongs to God.

2.  Information Provision

Exit provides accurate and up-to-date  information on end of life options to its members.

3.  Individual Empowerment

Our philosophy at Exit supports individuals’ right to procure drugs & equipment for end-of-life purposes.

Exit does not provide individuals with illegal drugs or equipment (Exit only provides information).

4.  Membership

Exit offers membership on an annual or lifetime subscription basis for people over 50 or who are suffering from serious illness.

For those under 50 years, membership is granted at the discretion of Exit International.

Membership of Exit shows members’ commitment and support for voluntary euthanasia.

5.  Appropriate Checks

Our philosophy at Exit also requires that Exit makes reasonable efforts to ensure that members who attend workshops have decision-making capacity. Exit requires every workshop attendee to complete and sign a disclaimer form.

6.  Regulatory Reform & Objective Debate

Exit advocates a regulatory system consistent with the above values that legalises assisted suicide & voluntary euthanasia (including the de-criminlization of the importation and possession of end of life drugs).

Exit supports objective public debate on voluntary euthanasia, assisted suicide & rational suicide to ensure individual rights are upheld & vulnerable members of the community are kept safe.

Voluntary Euthanasia – Definition

Voluntary euthanasia is a deliberate act intended to cause the death of an individual, at that individual’s request, for what he or she sees as being in his or her best interests. Our use of the term voluntary euthanasia includes reference to: VAD – voluntary assisted dying, MAID – medical aid in dying, PAS – physician assisted suicide and so on …

Rational Suicide – Definition

Rational suicide is the unassisted but well considered death of a mentally competent adult who may or may not be suffering from a serious medical illness.


Why dying well is a fundamental human right from Philip Nitschke on Vimeo.