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The Exit Internationalist

May 8, 2018

Prof David Goodall Exit International Press Conference Basel CH – Wed 3pm


Exit Press Release

On Thursday 10 May 2018, esteemed scientist Emeritus Professor David Goodall will undertake a final appointment with Life Circle/ Eternal Spirit Foundation in Basel Switzerland to end his life.

British born Professor Goodall of Perth Western Australia turned 104 on 4 April 2018.

While David is not sick, he says he is losing his faculties of sight and sound. Because he is not sick, even if his adopted home of Australia were to allow assisted dying, he would not qualify.

David says that with his quality of life fast diminishing, he thinks now is the time to go. He believes he has worked hard all his life and his contribution to society at large is such that he has the fundamental human right to determine the time and manner of his death.

Prior to coming to Switzerland David had a failed suicide attempt and then a fall at his home in Perth. He found himself in hospital; a condition which he describes as akin to prison.

With few peaceful and reliable end of life options at his disposal, David’s daughter Karen Goodall-Smith approached Exit International for help and advice.

Exit Founder & Director Dr Philip Nitschke suggested that the Life Circle organisation in Basel may be able to assist David.

Exit then set about working with Life Circle to fast-track an appointment for him.

Exit discusses the three Swiss assisted suicide services open to foreigners in depth in The Peaceful Pill Handbook.

While a trip to Switzerland is relatively rare for Australians with only ~40 having made the trip (due to the length of the flight and the cost of travelling to the other side of the world), it is much more common for people within Europe and especially the UK.

Since arriving in Basel on Monday, Professor Goodall has undergone two consultations with Life Circle doctors (one a psychiatrist) and has been given the green light to proceed with his final appointment. He has also been visited by the Swiss Police as a formality.

Therefore, at around 10am tomorrow, it is expected that David Goodall will travel to the Eternal Spirit house in Basel. He will be accompanied by close family including his son and grandchildren.

Present at David’s appointment will be his family and Life Circle staff.

David has elected to take the lethal drug – Nembutal – intravenously. Life Circle staff will fix a cannula to his arm and mix the barbiturate drug in a saline solution.

It will then for David to turn the wheel to start the solution flowing into his arm if he wishes.

Professor Goodall will be able to change his mind and decline the lethal drug at any time during the appointment.

Exit International Director Dr Philip Nitschke says that he is “pleased that Professor Goodall has been able to make the trip to Switzerland if this is the only way for him to obtain the peaceful death he wishes. However, the laws must change.”

“There is a growing generation of older people who are living longer than ever before, who are not ill, and who are demanding end of life choices that they themselves control. The law in countries other than Switzerland need to accommodate this need.”

“Professor David Goodall is at the vanguard of this generational change in deciding when and how to die.”

Inquiries: Dr Fiona Stewart +41 79 788 94 93, +31 6309 66 992 &


END______________________________________________________11 May 2018